I, Danielle Farrow (Actress), take privacy seriously. It is important to me that you - my website visitors and email subscribers - have trust and confidence in me and in my treatment of your personal information. With this in mind, here is notice of how I handle any data collected about you, all of which is held on the basis of consent.
I only hold information about you if you have consented to this through one of the ways detailed below.
Cookie Policy
No cookies found here - sorry, Cookie Monster! I use Cookiebot to check whenever cookies might be introduced, through updates to the website, and there are currently none. If that should change, I will enable cookie consent for the website and update this notice.*
Personal Data
Personal information is collected if you use my website's Contact Form or the Sign Up Form for my newsletter / emails.
Website Contact Form
Information collected if you use my website's contact form:
the information you knowingly provide when you fill out the contact form
your Internet Protocol Address (IP Address), automatically provided by your device and the form system
This information is used for:
responding appropriately to your message
Your information will not be used for any other purpose unless you choose to provide additional, specific, written consent. Your information will be held until you withdraw consent or I determine that there is no reason to continue holding it.
Sign Up Form for Newsletter / Emails
Information collected if you sign up for and receive my newsletter / emails:
the information you knowingly provide when you fill out the sign up form
your Internet Protocol Address (IP Address), automatically provided by your device and the form system
statistics about your sign up and about engagement with emails sent
This information is used for:
delivery of emails, according to the choices you make when signing up
statistical analysis of responses to emails (opening, link clicks, etc.), which help me monitor and improve my communications with you
You can control what you do and do not receive at any time by clicking 'update your preferences' or 'unsubscribe' at the bottom of the emails you receive.
I use MailChimp to gather this information and to deliver my emails. (MailChimp's Privacy Policy)
All Data Held
I respect your privacy and use any data collected for the purposes you have consented to and requested when you filled out the relevant forms. I do not share any of this data with others.
Access to your personal information:
Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access personal information held about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you would like to make a request along these lines, please email contact@daniellefarrow.com. Note that you can also update your preferences or unsubscribe via links in any emails I send.
If you feel I have not handled your information properly, please let me know, and I will do all I can to rectify this. If you are not satisfied with my response, you have the right to complain to your data protection authority, which is the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) if you are in the UK.
* I will update this policy whenever applicable, and I will send notice of policy updates to you if you have consented to my holding your email address via one of the forms detailed above.
If you have questions about this privacy notice, please ask me about them by emailing contact@daniellefarrow.com.
Privacy Notice last updated: 29/06/2018

Privacy Policy